Today was reserves day two. Were getting new stuff in the dental office where I work and so some of the morning we saw new patients (as normal) but the other half we packed everything in to office into boxes. Now normally I hate packing but when its not your stuff, well not really, and you get to remodel after, sorta, AND you have 5 other people to help you, I must say its not horrible.
So after we packed up the office and did the patient check in we got sent out to the flight line to help with the Wings Over Homestead Air Show. Now its totally awesome to walk around, watch the planes, eat some (expensive) food, and .......take lots of pictures with random strangers? Apparently if you have a uniform on and your on a flight line its an excuse for everyone to ask to take a picture with you. I think over 15 people wanted a picture, it just felt weird! Here's a picture of a plane (it doesn't care if you take pictures with it)
Its a B-1 Lancer, I read the sign in front of it lol Let me tell you how many awesome people were at this air show. There were two stellar mullet men......oh wait there were three and I will give you all the amazing details.
Mullet 1) Tall dark and mullet. This was the classic picture book mullet. I mean he had a visor in the front hid the curling masses of wavy locks! So awesome.
Mullet 2) Foreign mullet. Can we say white wife beater, too short board shorts, and a curly mane of a mullet that would make a horse jealous! Soooo funny plus he walked like his s**t didn't stink. Aww false confidence how you amuse me!
Mullet 3) So wonderful we named this guy "redneckious" the red neck Greek god of mullets. He was everything a mullet wearer should be and so much more. It was a bleached blond man mullet, no shirt and only cargo shorts barley hanging on to accentuate this redneck awesomeness! It was so awesome we gave him a back story...........Redneckious king of the trailer park, beers open at the snap of his fingers, he can crush beer cans with only his fore head, women swoon for him, men wish they could be him, and all admire his glorious mullet! HEHEHE
Judging from the sun burn I realized I got some of the mullet stories may have been a result of the sun but they were funny to me! After the air show I got to go back and reposition the whole packed office into other rooms so new furniture can go in its place. Finally I was lucky enough to get release on time so I beat some of the traffic! 5 hours later I was saying hi to my fiancee! We spent a few hours with Pam, Chris and the family which was nice to say hi before I start my killer week!
But then I come home and my roomie put the chain lock on the door so I couldn't get into my apartment! I have no clean uniforms for tomorrow which means I have to wake up early to go do the laundry I was trying to do tonight. Guh! Ok well time for bed! Happy blogging!
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