Monday, November 15, 2010

Girls Night

So this week is my stacation week. Ben is out in the woods hunting with Chris and Bo. Today he called me before he went to sleep (Mayo has crappy phone reception and its hard to get a hold of him) It being a guys week he was needless to say a little toasty. But I like slightly tipsy Ben he always sends me the cutest messages telling me how much he loves me and how lucky he is to have me, all the things a girl wants to hear! (not that he doesnt tell me all the time but its cute)

Ben Hunting

So any way I went to visit Pam today and have a mini girls night. We watched Dancing with the Stars, Ididnt even know who was still in the running but it was cool to watch! Then we decided it was time for some belly buttons. No not the innie/outie kind the delicious kind! My belly buttions are pretzles with Hersey kisses melted in the middle and M&M's on top. They are uber addicting, you really cant have just one! I love em!

Belly Buttion's Ingreadents

Then it was girl talk time! I like having a friend whos been through alot of what I've been through already and gives me honest advise. I hate when things get sugar coated and you hit a wall with out realizing it was coming. Shes been married to Chris for 13 years and they have two great kids. We watched a few moreshows then Knightro and I headed home.


When I got home I played on the computer for a bit. I look at a clothing website called Modcloth. I have been for about 6 months now but I never worked up the curage to buy something. I think their clothes are so cute but all their sizes are in measurements and since they dont have a physical store I cant try them on and get a feel for the sizing, which freaks me out. I dont like not knowing if what I order will fit into it or if I'll like the item. But today I was feeling adventerous and ordered a dress! I cant wait till it gets here. Fingers crossed it fits!

Holidays on the Range Dress

Then I saw that perhaps my all time favotire Lifetime movie Speak, was on So I'm indulging that guilty pleasure! I read the book with is amazing, before I saw the movie and even though it starts Kristen Stweart, yes Twilight fans Bella, whom I'm not a fan of, (she has the exact same character in all her movies and it urks me to no end I mean its called acting not play yourself over and over) they did a good job with it!

Ok well night all!

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