So today at work Halloween came early......sorta :-) I had a man tell me the zombies are coming and my pistol, tazer and mace were enough to stop them! In honor of the best call of the day lets do some zombie 101!
Fun Facts on Zombies
1. Zombies do not like fire nor do they like large or swift moving bodies of water.
So really fire fighter are safe as is the Navy or pretty much anyone on an long as no one on that island is contaminated!
2. Zombies burn fast which means they are extremely flammable.
I guess no bonfires for them! Oh well more smores for me!
3. Zombies can be detected by the canine species.
Zombie sniffing dogs! The Sheriff's Office needs to get on this!
4. Zombies do not even realize the canine species when they are about.
I guess they don't like Chinese (that was mean I know they use cats)
5. Zombies cannot give the virus to canines.
6. Once someone is bit there is no stopping the virus from taking over.
Oh oh rule one = cardio (Zombieland told me so)
7. If you shoot a Zombie in the head, it dies, also if you light them on fire they die, though it takes a little longer but they tend to run into others and catch them on fire too.
How do other Zombie let themselves be caught on fire? I mean if they hate fire so much common sense says they run away right?
8. If a zombie gets a hold of some of your blood it can track you.
Better than a dog? and is some peoples blood better than others, I don't mean to go all Twilight but is there a Bella blood for zombies, (Sookie if your a Trueblooder)
9. Zombies can run, jump, climb and are as quick as the human they once were, but they are as dumb as nails so you can easily get them if they can’t scent or hear you, Zombies have no memory of being human.
I feel this should be two facts lol its like a two-fer
10. Zombies can smell living flesh; it drives them insane and attracts them like bees to honey. Try to always be down wind, if you’re upwind they’ll be able to track you practically anywhere.
I smell like honey! Got it!
11. Zombies decay over time, eventually they just fall apart but it’s gradual and is twice the life span of a human, 1 human year equals ½ a Zombie year, the maximum they can live is 200 years… We hope.
So if 7 dog years equals 1 human year but Zombies don't like dogs in a Zombie Apocalypse is it better to be a dog?
12. Zombies cannot give the Rabies to a canine; therefore they are immune and good to have around.
Wait what? is the Rabies a zombie disease or just the regular kind? Cause if its regular them humans are so screwed cause we can catch that and the zombie diseases!
13. Once you are infected you will crave only human flesh, nothing else appeals to you though you may bite things that get in your way.
LOL human flesh = zombies / cake = fat kids! (if that was on the SAT I would have gotten it right)
Well there are some fun facts about Zombies to brighten your almost Halloween! And if you find those zombies remember pistols, tazers and mace don't work! So try this!
(its a real book and its really awesome!)